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Club Welfare & Safeguarding

Safeguarding children and young people is everyone’s responsibility.

Within football, The FA, as the game’s governing body in England, has a responsibility to put in place the best possible framework to ensure children have fun and enjoy the game safely. However, it’s also a difficult and sometimes complex area that can affect the lives of everyone involved.

The details below address the most frequently-asked questions about The FA’s important role in safeguarding.

We have recently seen major emphasis put on Safeguarding Children and CRB/DBS checks.

Clubs have received a number of emails from both Northamptonshire FA and The FA, ensuring that they are adhering to the required standards. Please find below some simple guidelines that we have put together:

  • Youth teams require a named coach who holds a CRC (no team is able to affiliate without this).
  • Charter Standard requires the named coach to also have a L1 coaching qualification, including the First Aid and Safeguarding (renewal every 3 years).
  • Assistant managers should have an FA CRC as a minimum; this will enable them to step in if the named coach isn’t present for training or on a match day for some reason. Best practice would be to also encourage them to attend a Safeguarding Children workshop.
  • Parent helpers, if they are regularly helping, and therefore seen as being in a position of trust and able to form relationships, they should have a CRC. If they help as a one off or infrequently, then they do not need a CRC. The exception to this is if any overnight stays take place.
  • Committee Members – A non-coaching committee member who hasn’t been through a Safeguarding Children course will be required to complete an online version.

If you have any questions around safeguarding you can contact Northamptonshire FA’s Welfare Officer, Candice Hart, on

EBUFC – Safeguarding children policy and procedures 2024 

FA Policy on Trans People in Football

EBUFC – Equality Policy

Read our Anti Bullying Policy Here

EBUFC Safeguarding Poster

Marie Norris
Phone: 07738280909

Rachel Shaw
Phone: 07812060561

NSPCC Hotline 0808 800 5000

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